APIs to feel the world!

We make it as simple as possible to build products that need to understand the complexities of the real world.

Explore our offerings

We’re an AI company

We employ advanced machine learning algorithms to create unparalleled value for our customers.

Reliable Service

Our services are load balanced and thanks to scaling technologies we can quickly adapt to demand changes.

Experts Knowledge

Our team of experts consists of scientist and engineers with years of experience in academia and industry.

Cutting Edge Technology

We use cutting edge technology to deliver the most reliable and scalable solutions.

Easy to use APIs

We believe it is our duty to make it easy for our customers to use our APIs. We provide SDKs and code examples in several languages to quickly get you started.

Simple yet powerful APIs empowering services of future

Start your next project with us

Our Services

Profile Picture Generator - Using AI

Do you need training data with no strings attached? no copyright no nonesense? We have you covered. We even offer packs of pre-generated realistic and high quality pictures.

Transcription and diarization (speaker identification) - Using AI

Do you have hours of audio or video that you need to transcribe? We can take care of that. We can perform batch operations or if you anticipate frequent use we can provide you API access. We support several languages. Contact us to know more.

Contact Us

Contact Details

Tallinn, Estonia